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CI867K01 3BSE043660R1可编程逻辑控制器

    上架日期:2024-09-04 13:44
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CI867K01 3BSE043660R1可编程逻辑控制器

CI867K01 3BSE043660R1可编程逻辑控制器

CI867K01 3BSE043660R1可编程逻辑控制器

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CI867K01 3BSE043660R1 (2).jpg

CI867K01 3BSE043660R1是一款可编程逻辑控制器(PLC),具有高度的可靠性和智能性。以下是关于该产品的详细解析:


  • 产品名称:CI867K01 3BSE043660R1可编程逻辑控制器
  • 类型:智能型I/O模块,自带处理器
  • 适用范围:工业类,特别适用于需要复杂控制和高度可靠性的场合


  1. 高可靠性
    • 冗余技术:允许用户在关键部分扩充冗余部件,如冗余处理器、中央服务器及传输介质,以防止单个部件失效影响系统运行。
    • 系统监控:系统软件可在线监视整个系统的软硬件状态,一旦发现异常立即采取措施,防止故障扩大。
    • 数据保护:控制器内装有锂电池,防止掉电造成数据丢失。
  2. 智能控制
    • 智能算法:在系统应用软件中采纳模糊逻辑、专家系统、遗传算法、神经元网络等高级控制算法,提高控制水平。
    • 自诊断与预测:利用人工智能技术进行自诊断及故障的早期预测,优化过程控制,提高工作可靠性。
  3. 扩展性与兼容性
    • 模块化设计:支持多种I/O模块和扩展卡件,满足不同场合的复杂控制需求。
    • 通讯接口:支持多种通讯协议和接口,如PLC-CAN通讯模件,便于与其他设备进行数据交换和集成。


  • USB接口数量:2接口(部分信息来源显示)
  • 电源电压:220V(部分信息来源显示)
  • 工作电压:24V
  • 额定电流:5A(部分信息来源显示),也有说法为24A(另一信息来源)
  • 工作温度:最高可达60℃,工作环境温度范围为-40至100℃
  • 面板防护等级:IP67(部分信息来源显示)


CI867K01 3BSE043660R1可编程逻辑控制器广泛应用于工业自动化领域,如电力、化工、冶金、机械等行业的生产过程控制。它能够通过编程实现各种复杂的控制逻辑,提高生产效率,降低运行成本,并确保生产安全。


CI867K01 3BSE043660R1 is a programmable logic controller (PLC) with high reliability and intelligence. The following is a detailed analysis of the product:

essential information

Product Name: CI867K01 3BSE043660R1 Programmable Logic Controller

Type: Intelligent I/O module with built-in processor

Scope of application: Industrial, especially suitable for situations that require complex control and high reliability

Technical features

High reliability:

Redundancy technology: allows users to expand redundant components in critical areas, such as redundant processors, central servers, and transmission media, to prevent individual component failures from affecting system operation.

System monitoring: The system software can monitor the software and hardware status of the entire system online, and take immediate measures once abnormalities are detected to prevent the fault from expanding.

Data protection: The controller is equipped with a lithium battery to prevent data loss caused by power failure.

Intelligent control:

Intelligent algorithms: Adopting advanced control algorithms such as fuzzy logic, expert systems, genetic algorithms, neural networks, etc. in system application software to improve control level.

Self diagnosis and prediction: Utilizing artificial intelligence technology for self diagnosis and early prediction of faults, optimizing process control, and improving work reliability.

Scalability and compatibility:

Modular design: Supports multiple I/O modules and expansion cards to meet complex control requirements in different scenarios.

Communication interface: Supports multiple communication protocols and interfaces, such as PLC-CAN communication module, which facilitates data exchange and integration with other devices.

Physical and electrical parameters

Number of USB ports: 2 ports (some sources show)

Power supply voltage: 220V (some information sources indicate)

Working voltage: 24V

Rated current: 5A (some sources indicate), there is also a saying that it is 24A (another source of information)

Working temperature: up to 60 ℃, working environment temperature range is -40 to 100 ℃

Panel protection level: IP67 (some sources indicate)

Application scenarios

The CI867K01 3BSE043660R1 programmable logic controller is widely used in the field of industrial automation, such as production process control in industries such as power, chemical, metallurgy, and machinery. It can implement various complex control logics through programming, improve production efficiency, reduce operating costs, and ensure production safety.




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地 址:厦门市思明区吕岭路1733号创想中心2009-2010单元


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