

地址:厦门市思明区吕岭路1733号创想中心2009-2010单元 在线咨询


PP883 3BSE092979R1- ABB工业触摸屏

    上架日期:2024-09-04 14:09
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PP883 3BSE092979R1- ABB工业触摸屏

PP883 3BSE092979R1- ABB工业触摸屏

PP883 3BSE092979R1- ABB工业触摸屏

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PP883 3BSE092979R1- ABB工业触摸屏是一款功能强大的工业触摸屏,专为工业自动化和机器人控制等领域设计。以下是对该产品的详细介绍:


  • 品牌与型号:ABB品牌,型号为PP883 3BSE092979R1。
  • 类型:工业触摸屏,属于ABB公司的P800系列。
  • 应用领域:广泛应用于工业自动化、机器人控制、DCS系统等领域。


  1. 直观的操作界面
    • 采用直观的图形界面,使得操作人员可以轻松地理解和操作各种功能。
    • 界面友好,易于上手,降低了操作难度,提高了工作效率。
  2. 高分辨率显示
    • 显示屏具有高分辨率,能够提供清晰、细腻的图像。
    • 确保操作人员能够准确地获取信息,减少误操作的可能性。
  3. 强大的数据处理能力
    • 配备高性能的处理器和大容量内存。
    • 能够快速处理和存储大量数据,确保流畅的操作体验。
  4. 坚固耐用
    • 采用工业级材料制造,具有较高的耐用性和稳定性。
    • 能够在各种恶劣的工业环境中长期稳定运行,满足工业自动化和机器人控制等领域的特殊需求。
  5. 个性化解决方案
    • 可将工厂和设备的全部操作信息展现给用户。
    • 客户可随时停止或修改生产过程,为每一个应用需求提供个性化的解决方案。


  • 供电电源:具有额定电流接口及数量,支持直插直拔的通信接口方式。
  • 通信协议:支持多种通信协议,方便与其他设备进行数据交换和通信。


  • 数控机械、冶金、石油天然气、石油化工、化工、造纸印刷、纺织印染、机械、电子制造、汽车制造等多个行业。
  • 特别适用于需要高精度、高可靠性和高稳定性的工业自动化和机器人控制领域。

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PP883 3BSE092979R1- ABB Industrial Touch Screen is a powerful industrial touch screen designed specifically for fields such as industrial automation and robot control. The following is a detailed introduction to the product:

1、 Product Overview

Brand and model: ABB brand, model PP883 3BSE092979R1.

Type: Industrial touch screen, belonging to ABB's P800 series.

Application areas: Widely used in industrial automation, robot control, DCS systems and other fields.

2、 Main features

Intuitive operating interface:

Adopting an intuitive graphical interface allows operators to easily understand and operate various functions.

The interface is user-friendly, easy to learn, reduces operational difficulty, and improves work efficiency.

High resolution display:

The display screen has high resolution and can provide clear and delicate images.

Ensure that operators can accurately obtain information and reduce the possibility of misoperation.

Powerful data processing capabilities:

Equipped with high-performance processors and large capacity memory.

Capable of quickly processing and storing large amounts of data, ensuring a smooth operating experience.


Made of industrial grade materials, it has high durability and stability.

Capable of long-term stable operation in various harsh industrial environments, meeting the special needs of industrial automation and robot control fields.

Personalized solutions:

All operational information of factories and equipment can be displayed to users.

Customers can stop or modify the production process at any time, providing personalized solutions for each application requirement.

3、 Technical specifications (partial)

Power supply: It has rated current interfaces and quantities, and supports direct insertion and extraction communication interface methods.

Communication Protocol: Supports multiple communication protocols, facilitating data exchange and communication with other devices.

4、 Application Fields

Multiple industries including CNC machinery, metallurgy, petroleum and natural gas, petrochemicals, chemical engineering, paper and printing, textile printing and dyeing, machinery, electronic manufacturing, automobile manufacturing, etc.

Especially suitable for industrial automation and robot control fields that require high precision, high reliability, and high stability.




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地 址:厦门市思明区吕岭路1733号创想中心2009-2010单元


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