

地址:厦门市思明区吕岭路1733号创想中心2009-2010单元 在线咨询


EPRO PR9268/201-000风机振动传感器

    上架日期:2024-08-19 09:26
  • 产品详情

EPRO PR9268/201-000风机振动传感器是一款专为工业应用设计的高性能传感器,以下是对其特点、应用及详细信息的介绍:


  1. 测量范围广泛:该传感器能够测量频率范围在10Hz至1000Hz的机械振动,适用于多种不同工况下的振动监测。
  2. 大振幅测量能力:其测量振幅可达3mm(峰-峰值),满足了对大振幅振动测量的需求。
  3. 高灵敏度:传感器提供多种灵敏度选择,可根据具体应用场景进行调整,以确保测量结果的准确性。
  4. 强抗干扰性:测量线圈高输出低阻抗设计,使传感器具有很强的抗干扰能力,能够在复杂环境中稳定工作。
  5. 坚固耐用:传感器外壳坚固,适合安装在危险或恶劣的工业环境中,防水保护等级达到IP55或IP65。
  6. 安装便捷:传感器设计灵便,安装简单快捷,减少了维护成本和时间。


EPRO PR9268/201-000风机振动传感器广泛应用于各种需要振动监测的工业设备中,特别是在风机领域表现出色。它可以用于监测风机的运行状态,及时发现振动异常,预防设备故障和停机事故的发生。此外,该传感器还适用于涡轮机械、压缩机、齿轮箱、水泵、研煤机等设备的振动监测。


  • 品牌:EPRO
  • 型号:PR9268/201-000
  • 测量范围:频率10Hz至1000Hz,振幅可达3mm(峰-峰值)
  • 灵敏度:多种选择
  • 工作温度:最高可达200℃
  • 防水等级:IP55或IP65
  • 结构特点:坚固的外壳设计,适合工业应用


  1. 在安装和使用过程中,请遵循产品说明书和相关安全规范进行操作。
  2. 定期检查传感器的连接线和接头是否松动或损坏,确保其正常工作。
  3. 避免将传感器暴露在极端温度或湿度环境中,以免影响其测量精度和使用寿命。
  4. 如发现传感器测量数据异常或出现故障,请及时联系供应商或专业维修人员进行处理。

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The EPRO PR9268/201-000 fan vibration sensor is a high performance sensor designed for industrial applications. The following is a description of its features, applications and details:

First, product characteristics

Wide measurement range: The sensor can measure mechanical vibration in the frequency range of 10Hz to 1000Hz, and is suitable for vibration monitoring under a variety of different working conditions.

Large amplitude measurement capability: the measurement amplitude can reach 3mm (peak-to-peak), which meets the demand for large amplitude vibration measurement.

High sensitivity: The sensor offers a variety of sensitivity options that can be adjusted according to the specific application scenario to ensure the accuracy of the measurement results.

Strong anti-interference: The measurement coil high output low impedance design, so that the sensor has a strong anti-interference ability, can work stably in a complex environment.

Rugged: The sensor housing is robust and suitable for installation in hazardous or harsh industrial environments with water protection rating of IP55 or IP65.

Easy installation: The sensor is easy to design, easy to install, reducing maintenance costs and time.

2. Application field

The EPRO PR9268/201-000 fan vibration sensor is widely used in various industrial equipment requiring vibration monitoring, especially in the field of fans. It can be used to monitor the operating status of the fan, detect abnormal vibration in time, and prevent equipment failure and shutdown accidents. In addition, the sensor is also suitable for vibration monitoring of turbomachinery, compressors, gear boxes, water pumps, coal ladders and other equipment.

3. Detailed parameters

Brand: EPRO

Model: PR9268/201-000

Measuring range: frequency 10Hz to 1000Hz, amplitude up to 3mm (peak-to-peak)

Sensitivity: Multiple options

Operating temperature: up to 200℃

Waterproof rating: IP55 or IP65

Construction Features: Robust housing design for industrial applications

4. Precautions for use

During installation and use, please follow the product instructions and related safety specifications.

Check the connection wires and connectors of the sensor regularly for looseness or damage to ensure their normal operation.

Avoid exposing the sensor to extreme temperature or humidity, so as not to affect its measurement accuracy and service life.

If the measurement data of the sensor is abnormal or faulty, contact the supplier or professional maintenance personnel in time.




邮 箱:3248602330@qq.com

地 址:厦门市思明区吕岭路1733号创想中心2009-2010单元


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