

地址:厦门市思明区吕岭路1733号创想中心2009-2010单元 在线咨询

GE /FANUC/控制器/卡件

GE 通用电气 SR469-P5-HI-A20 469系列电机管理继电器

    上架日期:2024-09-02 16:39
  • 产品详情

GE通用电气的SR469-P5-HI-A20 469系列电机管理继电器是一种专为中压电机设计的保护设备。以下是对该继电器的详细解析:


  • 品牌与型号:GE通用电气,SR469-P5-HI-A20
  • 系列:469系列电机管理继电器
  • 主要功能:电机保护、管理、通信、监测和数据记录
  • 设计特点:采用抽出式结构,便于快速更换和维修


  • 电源额定值:控制电源额定值为90-300 VDC,70-265 VAC @ 48-62 Hz
  • CT二次侧:带有5A相CT二次侧的标准装置
  • 模拟输出:提供四个4-20 mA模拟输出
  • 通信能力:可能具有通信接口,支持DeviceNet等协议,实现远程监控和操作(具体通信能力需参考具体产品手册或咨询供应商)


  • 电机保护:提供多种电机保护功能,包括过载保护、短路保护、过电流保护、地故障保护等,以确保电机在运行时处于安全状态
  • 热模型功能:包括RTD偏置、电机冷却时间常数、启动抑制和紧急重启、不平衡偏置和过载曲线等功能
  • 安全特性:具有冷热安全失速比等安全特性,提升电机运行的安全性


  • 监测功能:能够监测电机的运行状态,包括电流、电压、功率因数等参数的实时监测
  • 数据记录:具有数据记录功能,能够记录电机运行数据,便于后续分析和故障诊断


  • 安装:设计为易于安装,具有用户友好的界面和操作方式
  • 维护:继电器侧面设计用于允许气流,以保持设备在适当的工作温度范围内,降低维护难度


  • 定制化:GE的产品通常具有灵活的配置选项,可以根据客户的需求进行定制,满足不同应用场景的要求
  • 兼容性:与多种电机和电力系统兼容,适用于各种工业环境


  • 外观与材质:颜色通常为黑色,具体重量和产地可能因产品批次和供应商而异(如某些产品标注产地为美国,重量为1.6kg)
  • 质保:通常提供一定期限的质保服务(如一年质保)


The SR469-P5-HI-A20 469 series motor management relay from GE General Electric is a protective device designed specifically for medium voltage motors. The following is a detailed analysis of the relay:

1、 Product Overview

Brand and Model: GE General Electric, SR469-P5-HI-A20

Series: 469 series motor management relay

Main functions: motor protection, management, communication, monitoring, and data recording

Design feature: Adopting a pull-out structure for quick replacement and maintenance

2、 Technical specifications

Power rating: Control power rating is 90-300 VDC, 70-265 VAC @ 48-62 Hz

CT secondary side: standard device with 5A phase CT secondary side

Analog output: Provides four 4-20 mA analog outputs

Communication capability: May have communication interfaces, support DeviceNet and other protocols, achieve remote monitoring and operation (specific communication capabilities need to refer to specific product manuals or consult suppliers)

3、 Protection function

Motor protection: Provides multiple motor protection functions, including overload protection, short circuit protection, overcurrent protection, ground fault protection, etc., to ensure that the motor is in a safe state during operation

Thermal model functions: including RTD bias, motor cooling time constant, startup suppression and emergency restart, unbalanced bias and overload curve, etc

Safety features: It has safety features such as cold and hot safety stall ratio, which enhances the safety of motor operation

4、 Monitoring and recording

Monitoring function: capable of monitoring the operating status of the motor, including real-time monitoring of parameters such as current, voltage, power factor, etc

Data recording: With data recording function, it can record motor operation data for subsequent analysis and fault diagnosis

5、 Installation and maintenance

Installation: Designed to be easy to install, with a user-friendly interface and operating method

Maintenance: The side of the relay is designed to allow airflow to maintain the equipment within an appropriate operating temperature range, reducing maintenance difficulty

6、 Customization and compatibility

Customization: GE's products usually have flexible configuration options that can be customized according to customer needs to meet the requirements of different application scenarios

Compatibility: Compatible with various motors and power systems, suitable for various industrial environments

7、 Other information

Appearance and Material: The color is usually black, and the specific weight and origin may vary depending on the product batch and supplier (such as some products labeled as originating from the United States with a weight of 1.6kg)

Warranty: Usually provides a certain period of warranty service (such as one-year warranty)





邮 箱:3248602330@qq.com

地 址:厦门市思明区吕岭路1733号创想中心2009-2010单元


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