

地址:厦门市思明区吕岭路1733号创想中心2009-2010单元 在线咨询

GE /FANUC/控制器/卡件

GE美国IC670ALG310 模拟输出模块

    上架日期:2024-09-02 17:31
  • 产品详情

GE IC670ALG310-JA (2).jpg

GE IC670ALG310-JA (4).jpg



  • 品牌:GE(通用电气)
  • 型号:IC670ALG310
  • 类型:模拟输出模块


  1. 输出通道
    • 8个不同的电压输出通道,可根据操作员的配置自动调整。
    • 这些通道被容纳在两个隔离组中,每组4个,提供了高隔离性和灵活性。
  2. 输出范围
    • 支持-10V至+10V的输出电压范围,分辨率为14位。
    • 具有超量程输出功能,当输出值超过模块设定的最大或最小输出设置的50毫伏时,模块会将其视为超出范围,并提供高达约10.25V的超量程输出。
  3. 配置与校准
    • 每个通道的缩放比例均可由用户配置,以满足不同的应用需求。
    • 支持现场重新校准或重置到工厂校准,所有校准数据存储在闪存中,便于维护和升级。
  4. 通信与接口
    • 通常具有通信接口,允许与控制系统或其他设备进行数据交换和通信。
    • 与总线接口单元(BIU)交换数据,使用兼容的手持式编程器进行配置和取/写操作。


  1. 增强的诊断功能
    • 可以轻松检测超量程和欠量程情况、用户断电和未校准模块等故障状态。
    • 当出现故障时,模块会触发警报功能,用户可以针对不同的事件设置警报,以便及时响应和处理。
  2. 报警功能
    • 当输出值不符合模块最大或最小输出设置的50毫伏要求时,模块将输出值视为欠范围和超范围,并触发报警。
  3. 指示灯显示
    • 亮起:表示正常运行。
    • 间歇闪烁:表示模块故障。
    • OFF:表示无背板电源、无用户电源或致命故障。
    • 单个指示灯用于显示模块状态:
  4. 数据交换
    • 支持0到8个字的模拟输出数据,0到3个字节的输入数据用于模块和通道状态,0到2字节的输出数据用于清除报警。
  5. 设计与环境
    • 设计用于工业环境,具有高可靠性和抗振动性,以确保在恶劣条件下稳定运行。
    • 体积小巧,便于安装在狭小空间内。


GE IC670ALG310模拟输出模块广泛应用于工业控制系统、过程控制、数据采集、监测和反馈控制等领域。它通常用于控制各种设备和过程,如阀门、马达等,以满足工业自动化系统的需求。



The GE US IC670ALG310 Analog Output Module is a high-performance industrial automation component designed specifically for generating analog signal outputs. The following is a detailed introduction to the module:

1、 Basic Information

Brand: GE (General Electric)

Model: IC670ALG310

Type: Analog Output Module

2、 Technical specifications

Output channel:

8 different voltage output channels that can be automatically adjusted according to the operator's configuration.

These channels are accommodated in two isolation groups, each consisting of four, providing high isolation and flexibility.

Output range:

Supports an output voltage range of -10V to+10V with a resolution of 14 bits.

It has an over range output function. When the output value exceeds the maximum or minimum output setting of 50 millivolts set by the module, it will be considered as out of range and provide an over range output of up to approximately 10.25V.

Configuration and Calibration:

The scaling ratio of each channel can be configured by the user to meet different application requirements.

Support on-site recalibration or reset to factory calibration, with all calibration data stored in flash memory for easy maintenance and upgrades.

Communication and Interface:

Usually equipped with communication interfaces, allowing for data exchange and communication with control systems or other devices.

Exchange data with the Bus Interface Unit (BIU) and use a compatible handheld programmer for configuration and read/write operations.

3、 Function and Features

Enhanced diagnostic capabilities:

It can easily detect fault states such as over range and under range situations, user power outages, and uncalibrated modules.

When a fault occurs, the module will trigger an alarm function, and users can set alarms for different events for timely response and handling.

Alarm function:

When the output value does not meet the module's maximum or minimum output setting of 50 millivolts, the module considers the output value as under range or over range and triggers an alarm.

Indicator light display:

A single indicator light is used to display the status of the module:

Illuminated: indicates normal operation.

Intermittent flashing: indicates module malfunction.

OFF: Indicates no backplane power supply, no user power supply, or fatal malfunction.

Data exchange:

Supports analog output data of 0 to 8 words, input data of 0 to 3 bytes for module and channel status, and output data of 0 to 2 bytes for clearing alarms.

Design and Environment:

Designed for industrial environments, it has high reliability and vibration resistance to ensure stable operation under harsh conditions.

Compact in size, easy to install in small spaces.

4、 Application Fields

The GE IC670ALG310 analog output module is widely used in industrial control systems, process control, data acquisition, monitoring, and feedback control fields. It is commonly used to control various devices and processes, such as valves, motors, etc., to meet the needs of industrial automation systems.




邮 箱:3248602330@qq.com

地 址:厦门市思明区吕岭路1733号创想中心2009-2010单元


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