

地址:厦门市思明区吕岭路1733号创想中心2009-2010单元 在线咨询

GE /FANUC/控制器/卡件

GE通用电气 IS220UCSAH1A 美国嵌入式控制器模块

    上架日期:2024-06-17 10:59
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GE通用电气 IS220UCSAH1A 美国嵌入式控制器模块


GE通用电气 IS220UCSAH1A 是一款嵌入式控制器模块,由通用电气(General Electric)制造和设计。它作为GE分布式涡轮机控制系统中Mark VIe系列的一部分,具有高度的集成性和可靠性。


  1. 处理器
    • 采用运行频率为667 MHz的Power QUICC II Pro Freescale处理器,具备强大的处理能力。
  2. 操作系统
    • 使用QNX Neutrino®实时多任务操作系统,专为需要高速度和可靠性的工业应用而设计。
  3. 通信接口
    • 配备两个10/100BaseTX以太网端口用于UDH连接。
    • 配备三个附加的10/100BaseTX以太网端口用于IONet连接。
    • 可以通过COM1端口建立RS-232C连接。
  4. 安装与连接
    • 控制器模块可以安装在CPCI机柜内,并使用内置I/O网络接口连接到I/O包。
  5. 工作环境
    • 操作温度范围:-30℃至65℃。
    • 无需风扇,可在较宽的温度范围内稳定运行。


GE通用电气 IS220UCSAH1A嵌入式控制器模块适用于各种工业自动化和控制系统的应用需求,包括但不限于:

  1. 工业自动化:掌握和监测工场中的各种自动化历程,如临盆线、机器安装等。
  2. 电力系统:确保电力系统的稳定运行和电压质量。
  3. 发电厂:调节发电机输出电压,以满足电网的负荷需求。
  4. 能源领域:如太阳能发电系统和风力发电系统的电压调节。
  5. 交通运输:应用于电动车辆和铁路系统,确保电源的稳定性和安全性。

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GE GE IS220UCSAH1A embedded controller module

I. Product overview

The GE IS220UCSAH1A is an embedded controller module manufactured and designed by General Electric. As part of GE's Mark VIe family of distributed turbine control systems, it is highly integrated and reliable.

2. Technical specifications


The Power QUICC II Pro Freescale processor, running at 667 MHz, provides powerful processing power.

Operating system:

Use the QNX Neutrino® real-time multitasking operating system, designed for industrial applications that require high speed and reliability.

Communication interface:

Comes with two 10/100BaseTX Ethernet ports for UDH connectivity.

Comes with three additional 10/100BaseTX Ethernet ports for IONet connectivity.

An RS-232C connection can be established through the COM1 port.

Installation and connection:

The controller module can be installed in the CPCI cabinet and connected to the I/O package using the built-in I/O network interface.

Working environment:

Operating temperature range: -30℃ to 65℃.

No fan required for stable operation over a wide temperature range.

3. Application fields

GE IS220UCSAH1A Embedded controller modules are suitable for a variety of industrial automation and control system application needs, including but not limited to:

Industrial automation: master and monitor various automation processes in the factory, such as the production line, machine installation, etc.

Power system: Ensure the stable operation and voltage quality of the power system.

Power plant: Adjust the output voltage of the generator to meet the load demand of the grid.

Energy field: such as solar power system and wind power system voltage regulation.

Transportation: Used in electric vehicles and railway systems to ensure the stability and safety of the power supply.




邮 箱:3248602330@qq.com

地 址:厦门市思明区吕岭路1733号创想中心2009-2010单元


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