

地址:厦门市思明区吕岭路1733号创想中心2009-2010单元 在线咨询


福克斯波罗 P92204760700 FOXBORO 工作站主机

    上架日期:2024-07-03 11:42
  • 产品详情

P92204760700 是 FOXBORO 工作站的一个型号,属于 Foxboro Evo™ 控制系统的一部分。以下是关于这个工作站主机的一些关键信息:

操作系统:H92 型工作站运行 Windows 7 64 位操作系统,提供了一个多功能的工作环境,支持各种系统应用程序的执行。

应用领域:这些工作站设计用于与 Foxboro Evo™ 控制核心服务软件以及 Foxboro Evo 控制软件一起使用,同时也可以作为第三方和用户编写的应用程序的运行平台。

用户界面:支持鼠标或可选轨迹球操作,配备字母数字键盘,以及多达四个 USB 指示器或指示器/数字键盘。

显示支持:H92 工作站支持一到四个显示器,提供了丰富的图形和文本显示能力。

存储和内存:具备多达两个内部串行 ATA 硬盘驱动器,可选配置为 RAID 1,以提高数据安全性。此外,配备 4GB ECC RAM 内存(可扩展到 12GB)。

数据通信:支持客户端/服务器通信,通过 TCP/IP 网络协议,可以通过集成的以太网网口或可选的以太网网卡实现。

安全性:Foxboro Evo 工作站支持多种产品功能,以满足工厂对增强工作站安全性的要求,包括密码保护、用户账户管理、安全补丁支持、反病毒软件等。

平台加固:工作站平台加固措施包括删除不必要的服务和程序、禁用不需要的软件端口、使用 McAfee 主机入侵防御等。

合规性:如 CE 标志所示,H92 型工作站符合适用的欧盟指令。

Foxboro Evo™ 工作站是为工业自动化和控制系统设计的高端计算机系统,具备高性能、高可靠性和高扩展性,能够满足专业领域对计算性能和图形处理的需求


The P92204760700 is a FOXBORO workstation model that is part of the Foxboro Evo™ control system. Here are some key facts about this workstation host:

Operating system: The H92 workstation runs the Windows 7 64-bit operating system, providing a versatile work environment that supports the execution of a variety of system applications.

Application Areas: These workstations are designed to work with the Foxboro Evo™ Control Core Services software and the Foxboro Evo Control software, as well as serve as a platform for third party and user-written applications.

User interface: Supports mouse or optional trackball operation, comes with an alphanumeric keyboard, and up to four USB indicators or indicator/numeric keyboards.

Display support: The H92 workstation supports one to four monitors, providing rich graphics and text display capabilities.

Storage and memory: Up to two internal serial ATA hard drives with optional RAID 1 configuration for increased data security. In addition, it comes with 4GB of ECC RAM memory (expandable up to 12GB).

Data communication: Supports client/server communication over TCP/IP network protocols, which can be achieved through an integrated Ethernet network port or an optional Ethernet card.

Security: The Foxboro Evo workstation supports a variety of product features to meet factory requirements for enhanced workstation security, including password protection, user account management, security patch support, anti-virus software, and more.

Hardening the workstation platform includes deleting unnecessary services and programs, disabling unwanted software ports, and using McAfee host intrusion prevention.

Compliance: As indicated by the CE marking, the H92 workstation complies with the applicable EU directives.

The Foxboro Evo™ workstation is a high-end computer system designed for industrial automation and control systems with high performance, high reliability and high scalability to meet the computing performance and graphics processing needs of the professional field






邮 箱:3248602330@qq.com

地 址:厦门市思明区吕岭路1733号创想中心2009-2010单元


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