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美国NI PXIe-8861 数据采集卡

    上架日期:2024-09-06 16:20
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美国NI PXIe-8861 数据采集卡

美国NI PXIe-8861 数据采集卡

美国NI PXIe-8861 数据采集卡



美国NI(National Instruments)的PXIe-8861是一款PXI嵌入式控制器,而非直接定义为数据采集卡,但它支持数据采集和其他高级测试与测量功能。以下是对美国NI PXIe-8861的详细介绍:


  • 品牌:National Instruments(NI)
  • 型号:PXIe-8861
  • 类型:PXI嵌入式控制器


  • 处理器:通常配备高性能的处理器,如嵌入式四核处理器,以支持复杂的数据处理和实时控制任务。
  • 内存与存储:提供足够的内存和存储空间,以满足大规模数据采集和程序运行的需求。
  • 接口:支持PXI和PXI Express模块,以及与其他测试设备的连接接口。
  • 系统带宽:高带宽设计,确保数据传输的效率和稳定性。


  • 模块化设计:PXI总线标准允许用户根据需求灵活配置不同的模块,包括数据采集卡、信号发生器、数字I/O等。
  • 高性能处理:强大的处理器和内存资源,支持高速数据采集、实时信号处理和复杂算法的执行。
  • 同步与触发:提供精确的系统定时和触发功能,确保多模块之间的同步操作和数据一致性。
  • 软件支持:与NI的LabVIEW、LabWindows/CVI等图形化编程环境无缝集成,简化测试系统的开发、配置和调试过程。


  • 测试和测量系统:广泛应用于电子设备测试、通信设备测试、RF测试等场景。
  • 自动化控制系统:在工业自动化中,用于控制和监测生产线、机械设备等自动化系统。
  • 数据采集和处理:适用于高速、高精度的数据采集和处理任务,如实验室研究、数据记录和监测等。
  • 医疗设备测试:在医疗设备制造和测试中,用于测试医疗成像设备、生命支持系统等。
  • 航空航天和国防应用:在航空航天和国防领域,可能用于模拟、测试和验证飞行控制系统、雷达系统等。


  • 在选择和使用美国NI PXIe-8861时,需要考虑系统的整体配置和性能需求,以确保满足测试任务的要求。
  • 需要了解并熟悉PXI总线标准及其相关模块的使用方法和注意事项。


The PXIe-8861 from National Instruments is a PXI embedded controller, not directly defined as a data acquisition card, but it supports data acquisition and other advanced testing and measurement functions. The following is a detailed introduction to NI PXIe-8861 in the United States:

essential information

Brand: National Instruments (NI)

Model: PXIe-8861

Type: PXI Embedded Controller

technical specifications

Processor: Typically equipped with high-performance processors, such as embedded quad core processors, to support complex data processing and real-time control tasks.

Memory and Storage: Provide sufficient memory and storage space to meet the needs of large-scale data collection and program execution.

Interface: Supports PXI and PXI Express modules, as well as connection interfaces with other testing equipment.

System bandwidth: High bandwidth design ensures the efficiency and stability of data transmission.

Functional Features

Modular design: The PXI bus standard allows users to flexibly configure different modules according to their needs, including data acquisition cards, signal generators, digital I/O, etc.

High performance processing: Powerful processor and memory resources, supporting high-speed data acquisition, real-time signal processing, and execution of complex algorithms.

Synchronization and triggering: Provides precise system timing and triggering functions to ensure synchronization operations and data consistency between multiple modules.

Software support: Seamless integration with NI's graphical programming environments such as LabVIEW and LabWindows/CVI, simplifying the development, configuration, and debugging process of testing systems.

application area 

Testing and Measurement Systems: Widely used in electronic equipment testing, communication equipment testing, RF testing, and other scenarios.

Automation control system: In industrial automation, it is used to control and monitor automation systems such as production lines and mechanical equipment.

Data Collection and Processing: Suitable for high-speed and high-precision data collection and processing tasks, such as laboratory research, data recording, and monitoring.

Medical equipment testing: used in the manufacturing and testing of medical equipment to test medical imaging devices, life support systems, etc.

Aerospace and Defense Applications: In the aerospace and defense field, it may be used to simulate, test, and validate flight control systems, radar systems, etc.

matters needing attention

When selecting and using the American NI PXIe-8861, it is necessary to consider the overall configuration and performance requirements of the system to ensure that the requirements of the testing task are met.

Need to understand and be familiar with the PXI bus standard and its related module usage methods and precautions.





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地 址:厦门市思明区吕岭路1733号创想中心2009-2010单元


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