

地址:厦门市思明区吕岭路1733号创想中心2009-2010单元 在线咨询


    上架日期:2024-09-14 10:17
  • 产品详情

DAEWOO DASD-CT15SPXA伺服驱动器是一款由韩国大宇(DAEWOO)生产的工业自动化产品,具有1.5kW的功率,广泛应用于各种需要精确控制和动力传输的工业场景中。以下是对该伺服驱动器的详细介绍:


  • 高精度控制:DASD-CT15SPXA伺服驱动器采用先进的控制算法,能够实现高精度的位置、速度和力矩控制,满足各种复杂工况下的控制需求。
  • 稳定性强:该驱动器具有良好的抗干扰能力和稳定性,能够在恶劣的工业环境中长期稳定运行。
  • 响应速度快:采用高性能的处理器和驱动电路,使得DASD-CT15SPXA伺服驱动器的响应速度极快,能够快速响应控制指令,实现精准控制。
  • 维护方便:设计有易于维护和检修的结构,降低了维护成本和时间。



  • 上电无显示:可能是由于电源故障、显示屏损坏或连接线路问题导致。
  • 过电流、过电压、欠电压:这些故障通常与电源质量、电机负载或驱动器内部电路有关。
  • 过热:长时间高负载运行或散热不良可能导致驱动器过热。
  • 过载、过速、抖动:这些故障可能由电机负载过大、控制参数设置不当或驱动器内部故障引起。
  • 编码器异常、模块损坏、接地故障:这些问题可能涉及到驱动器的传感器、控制模块或电气连接。


  • 联系专业维修机构:选择具有专业资质和丰富经验的维修机构进行故障检测和维修。这些机构通常能够提供快速、准确的维修服务,并保障维修质量。
  • 了解故障信息:在维修前,用户应尽可能了解故障的具体现象和发生条件,以便维修机构能够更快地定位故障点。
  • 定期维护和保养:定期对DASD-CT15SPXA伺服驱动器进行维护和保养,如清洁散热风扇、检查连接线路等,可以有效预防故障的发生。


DAEWOO DASD-CT15SPXA servo drive is an industrial automation product produced by Daewoo, South Korea. It has a power of 1.5 kW and is widely used in various industrial scenarios that require precise control and power transmission. The following is a detailed introduction to the servo drive:

1、 Product Features

High precision control: The DASD-CT15SPXA servo drive adopts advanced control algorithms, which can achieve high-precision position, speed, and torque control, meeting the control requirements of various complex working conditions.

Strong stability: This drive has good anti-interference ability and stability, and can operate stably for a long time in harsh industrial environments.

Fast response speed: By using high-performance processors and driver circuits, the DASD-CT15SPXA servo driver has an extremely fast response speed and can quickly respond to control instructions, achieving precise control.

Easy maintenance: Designed with a structure that is easy to maintain and repair, reducing maintenance costs and time.

2、 Common faults and repairs

DASD-CT15SPXA servo drive may encounter some common faults during use, such as:

No display when powered on: This may be due to power failure, damaged display screen, or connection issues.

Overcurrent, overvoltage, undervoltage: These faults are usually related to power quality, motor load, or internal circuits of the driver.

Overheating: Prolonged high load operation or poor heat dissipation may cause the drive to overheat.

Overload, overspeed, and jitter: These faults may be caused by excessive motor load, improper control parameter settings, or internal faults in the drive.

Encoder abnormality, module damage, grounding fault: These issues may involve sensors, control modules, or electrical connections of the drive.

For these faults, users can repair them through the following methods:

Contact a professional maintenance organization: Choose a maintenance organization with professional qualifications and rich experience for fault detection and maintenance. These institutions are usually able to provide fast and accurate repair services, and ensure the quality of repairs.

Understanding fault information: Before repairing, users should try to understand the specific symptoms and conditions of the fault as much as possible, so that the repair agency can locate the fault point more quickly.

Regular maintenance and upkeep: Regular maintenance and upkeep of the DASD-CT15SPXA servo drive, such as cleaning the cooling fan, checking the connection lines, etc., can effectively prevent the occurrence of faults.





邮 箱:3248602330@qq.com

地 址:厦门市思明区吕岭路1733号创想中心2009-2010单元


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