

地址:厦门市思明区吕岭路1733号创想中心2009-2010单元 在线咨询

MagneTek迈特 MG3-1G-1G-PM电源模块

    上架日期:2024-07-26 16:55
  • 产品详情

MagneTek MG3-1G-1G-PM 是一款高性能电源模块,由 MagneTek 公司推出,适用于多种应用环境,包括工业自动化、通信系统、医疗设备和数据中心等领域。以下是该电源模块的一些关键特点和优势:

高效稳定:采用先进的电源转换技术,提供高效且稳定的电力输出,确保系统正常运行 。

宽电压输入范围:支持宽范围的输入电压,适应不同国家和地区的电网标准,减少电网波动导致的故障风险 。

多种保护功能:内置过流、过压、欠压、短路等多种保护功能,有效保护电源和负载设备的安全 。

易于安装与维护:标准化设计,方便安装和替换,模块化设计简化了维护过程 。

高可靠性:MagneTek 严格的产品标准确保了电源模块的高可靠性 。

节能环保:在高效转换电力的同时,注重节能和环保,符合现代绿色生产的要求 。

此外,MG3-1G-1G-PM 电源模块可能属于网络设备或通信设备,用于数据的处理和传输,MG3 系列以其稳定性和高效性而闻名,能够满足复杂环境下的数据传输需求 。MG 系列 AC-DC 电源提供从 600 W 到 1750 W 的功率,具体取决于型号,具有模块化设计、零开关损耗、0.99 活性功率因数校正等特点 。



The MagneTek MG3-1G-1G-PM is a high-performance power module designed by MagneTek for use in a variety of applications, including industrial automation, communications systems, medical devices and data centers. Here are some of the key features and benefits of the power module:

High efficiency and stability: The use of advanced power conversion technology to provide efficient and stable power output to ensure the normal operation of the system.

Wide voltage input range: supports a wide range of input voltages, ADAPTS to the grid standards of different countries and regions, and reduces the risk of failure caused by grid fluctuations.

Multiple protection functions: Built-in over current, over voltage, under voltage, short circuit and other protection functions, effectively protect the safety of power supply and load equipment.

Easy installation and maintenance: Standardized design, easy installation and replacement, modular design simplifies the maintenance process.

High Reliability: MagneTek's stringent product standards ensure high reliability of power modules.

Energy saving and environmental protection: While efficiently converting electricity, we pay attention to energy saving and environmental protection, which meets the requirements of modern green production.

In addition, the MG3-1G-1G-PM power module may belong to the network equipment or communication equipment, used for data processing and transmission, MG3 series is known for its stability and efficiency, can meet the data transmission needs in complex environments. The MG Series AC-DC power supply offers power from 600 W to 1750 W, depending on the model, and features a modular design, zero switching loss, 0.99 active power factor correction, and more.




邮 箱:3248602330@qq.com

地 址:厦门市思明区吕岭路1733号创想中心2009-2010单元


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