

地址:厦门市思明区吕岭路1733号创想中心2009-2010单元 在线咨询

FIREYE 85UVF1-1QD 火焰检测器

    上架日期:2024-08-19 10:07
  • 产品详情

FIREYE 85UVF1-1QD 火焰检测器是一款高性能的火焰探测设备,广泛应用于需要火焰监控的工业场合。以下是关于该产品的详细介绍:


  • 品牌与型号:FIREYE 85UVF1-1QD
  • 类型:火焰检测器
  • 工作原理:使用固体材料(如碳化硅或硝酸铝)或充气管(如盖革-米勒管)作为传感元件,感测火焰产生的特定波长辐射(如紫外线或红外线)。


  1. 高灵敏度:能够检测火焰产生的微弱辐射,确保早期发现火灾隐患。
  2. 自动设定功能:设有内部继电器,可自动设定ON/OFF(有火/无火)门槛值,无需远程放大器或火焰开关。
  3. 全自诊断与自检:具备全面的自诊断和电子自检功能,便于维护和故障排查。
  4. 宽频率检测:检测目标火焰产生的调制振幅(即火焰闪烁特性),以检测宽广的频率范围。
  5. 标准输出:提供标准4-20mA火焰强度信号输出,便于与控制系统集成。


FIREYE 85UVF1-1QD 火焰检测器适用于各种需要火焰监控的工业场合,如石油、化工、电力、冶金等行业。它特别适用于那些可能产生瞬间爆炸的场所,如炸药生产存放区、石油炼制厂等。


  1. 安装位置:一般安装在保护区内高目标高度的两倍位置,确保探测器视野内无障碍物阻挡。
  2. 倾斜角度:安装后向下倾斜30-45度,以减少镜面污染的可能性并扩大探测范围。
  3. 备份设置:为了避免探测盲区,通常在对面的角落安装另一个火焰探测器作为备份。

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85UVF1A-1QD.曾轩成.20231212 (12)_副本.jpg

The FIREYE 85UVF1-1QD Flame detector is a high performance flame detection device that is widely used in industrial applications where flame monitoring is required. Here is a detailed description of the product:

I. Product overview

Make and Model: FIREYE 85UVF1-1QD

Type: Flame detector

How it works: Using a solid material (such as silicon carbide or aluminum nitrate) or an inflatable tube (such as a Geiger-Miller tube) as a sensing element, it senses the radiation produced by the flame at a specific wavelength (such as ultraviolet or infrared).

Second, technical characteristics

High sensitivity: Can detect the weak radiation generated by the flame to ensure early detection of fire hazards.

Automatic setting function: An internal relay can automatically set the ON/OFF (fire/no fire) threshold value without remote amplifier or flame switch.

Full self-diagnosis and self-check: With a comprehensive self-diagnosis and electronic self-check function, easy maintenance and troubleshooting.

Wide frequency detection: Detect the modulation amplitude (i.e. flame flicker characteristics) generated by the target flame to detect a wide frequency range.

Standard output: Provides standard 4-20mA flame intensity signal output for easy integration with the control system.

3. Scope of application

The FIREYE 85UVF1-1QD flame detector is suitable for various industrial occasions requiring flame monitoring, such as petroleum, chemical, electric power, metallurgy and other industries. It is especially suitable for those places that may produce instant explosions, such as explosive production storage areas, petroleum refining plants, etc.

Fourth, installation and configuration

Installation position: It is generally installed in the protected area at twice the height of the high target to ensure that there is no obstacle in the detector field of view.

Tilt Angle: Tilt down 30-45 degrees after installation to reduce the possibility of mirror contamination and expand the detection range.

Backup setup: To avoid detecting blind spots, another flame detector is usually installed in the opposite corner as a backup.




邮 箱:3248602330@qq.com

地 址:厦门市思明区吕岭路1733号创想中心2009-2010单元


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