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YOKOGAWA Cp451-50 S2 横河模拟量输出模块

    上架日期:2024-08-27 10:29
  • 产品详情

YOKOGAWA Cp451-50 S2 横河模拟量输出模块

YOKOGAWA Cp451-50 S2 横河模拟量输出模块

YOKOGAWA Cp451-50 S2 横河模拟量输出模块

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YOKOGAWA CP451-50 S2横河模拟量输出模块是一款由日本横河电机株式会社(Yokogawa)生产的工业自动化产品。以下是对该模块的详细介绍:


  • 品牌:YOKOGAWA(横河)
  • 型号:CP451-50 S2
  • 类型:模拟量输出模块


  • 模拟量输出:该模块具备模拟量输出功能,能够向控制系统提供连续变化的电信号,如电压或电流信号,用于驱动执行机构或进行进一步的数据处理。
  • 可扩展性:部分资料显示,CP451-50模块可扩展到256个输入,这表明该模块或系列产品在输入通道上具有高度的灵活性和可扩展性,但请注意,这可能与S2版本的具体规格有所不同。
  • 高精度:通常,横河电机生产的产品以高精度和可靠性著称,CP451-50 S2模块也不例外,它能够在各种工业环境下提供稳定、准确的输出信号。



  • 工作电压:通常为220V(具体值可能因产品而异)
  • 工作温度范围:可能涵盖较宽的温度范围,如-20°C至100°C(具体值可能因产品而异)
  • 精确度:可能达到0.1%至0.5%(具体值可能因产品而异)
  • 输出频率:根据具体应用,可能具有不同的输出频率范围(如某些资料中提到的350kHz)
  • 系统内存:部分资料提及系统内存为512MB,但这可能适用于更广泛的横河产品系列,而非特指CP451-50 S2模块。


CP451-50 S2横河模拟量输出模块广泛应用于工业自动化领域,包括但不限于过程控制、监测系统、数据采集与处理等场景。它可以与各种控制系统(如DCS、PLC等)配合使用,实现精确的模拟量输出控制。

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YOKOGAWA CP451-50 S2 Yokogawa Analog Output Module is an industrial automation product produced by Yokogawa Electric Co., Ltd. in Japan. The following is a detailed introduction to the module:

1、 Basic Information

Brand: YOKOGAWA (Yokogawa)

Model: CP451-50 S2

Type: Analog output module

2、 Functional Features

Analog output: This module has the function of analog output and can provide continuously changing electrical signals, such as voltage or current signals, to the control system for driving actuators or further data processing.

Scalability: Some data shows that the CP451-50 module can be expanded to 256 inputs, indicating that this module or series of products has high flexibility and scalability in input channels. However, please note that this may differ from the specific specifications of the S2 version.

High precision: Typically, products produced by Yokogawa Electric are known for their high precision and reliability, and the CP451-50 S2 module is no exception. It can provide stable and accurate output signals in various industrial environments.

3、 Technical parameters (example)

Please note that the following technical parameters may vary due to product version or specific specifications. The following information is for reference only:

Working voltage: usually 220V (specific value may vary depending on the product)

Working temperature range: may cover a wide temperature range, such as -20 ° C to 100 ° C (specific values may vary depending on the product)

Accuracy: May reach 0.1% to 0.5% (specific values may vary depending on the product)

Output frequency: Depending on the specific application, it may have different output frequency ranges (such as 350kHz mentioned in some materials)

System Memory: Some sources mention a system memory of 512MB, but this may apply to a wider range of Yokogawa product lines, rather than specifically referring to the CP451-50 S2 module.

4、 Application scenarios

The CP451-50 S2 Yokogawa analog output module is widely used in the field of industrial automation, including but not limited to process control, monitoring systems, data acquisition and processing, and other scenarios. It can be used in conjunction with various control systems (such as DCS, PLC, etc.) to achieve precise analog output control.




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地 址:厦门市思明区吕岭路1733号创想中心2009-2010单元


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